What Awake is About


Awake is a site for Baby Boomers in transition seeking a new or renewed sense of purpose.  As a poster child Boomer myself, here I explore the reinvention of aging in the context of living life as an expat in Ecuador and learning how to make the most of the “third stage.”

Three times a week, give or take depending on the organic flow of my life and because being overly committed to any routine makes me nervous, I write on one of these topics.  Some posts are neatly focused in one area, while others will undoubtedly be a synthesis, as these topics do not have national boundaries within the geography of my mind.

More specifically:

  • I write about making major life changes and figuring out how to navigate them i ways that are minimally self-destructive fulfilling and feel like they’re connected to a sense of purpose.  While this could mean an encore career, it could also mean answering the question “what are meaningful ways to spend my time now?”  You will certainly get a glimpse into my lifelong pursuit of personal growth and development, and the challenges of being human.  Here you’ll learn about some of the tools that interest and work for me.  Despite my apparent angst at time, I remain convinced that self-knowledge is the key to personal power.
  • I write about (and photograph) culture and travel because I love to experience new places, broaden my perspective and expand my world.  Because I place great value in being and seeing oneself as a global citizen – something I think is essential for the ultimate well-being of our precious planet – I hope some of what I write and photograph will support others in expanding their horizons as well.
  • I write about the expat encore life as an alternative paradigm to the conventional paradigm about retirement.  I suspect that here – because I am also a physician and long-time student of wellness – I will wander into the territory of aging with grace, adventure, and optimal health.


The theme that links these topics is getting new perspective(s) in the service of self-actualization.  By this I mean giving yourself the freedom and authority to design and live your best life, informed by self-knowledge and sufficient information to make choices that support your personal notions of happiness and success.